6 Steps to creating Customer Service Superstars  

HRH Logo

By Cate Schreck - LTS Co-Founder & Service Excellence Coach

Recently LTS received a call from Andrea Dunlop, Corporate Service Manager at Hesse Rural Health (HRH) in Winchelsea Victoria. Andrea was enquiring about a customer service session for 120 staff that gave attendees a chance to refresh their communication and customer service skills. You can watch the video about this customer service communication session above and read on for more details!

I met with Andrea at the business and using our unique 6 Step ACTION process, we completed the first step which is an Analysis Meeting. During the meeting Andrea confirmed that they receive lots of positive feedback about the great service the staff provide. Andrea wanted this session to acknowledge the great feedback and give the staff the chance to refresh their communication skills, share with each other and seek input from a customer service specialist.

During my visit at HRH, I secretly watched some  of the HRH team in action. Andrea was right – the staff provided great customer service to each other, their clients and me. (No, the staff  didn't know who I was or why I was there).

From the Analysis Meeting and the onsite visit, I customised a 2 hour Superior Service Session that included the following 3 customer service topics:

  1. Communication skills for face to face, phone and written interactions
  2. The Top 10 Tips for maintaining the standard of Superior Customer Service
  3. First Point Response (FPR) method – the secret to delighting all customers

Due to the size of the team and the operational needs of the business, the sessions were delivered on 6 occasions to groups of 20. What made the sessions even more successful was that Andrea and Peter Birkett, CEO of Hesse Rural Health, attended and joined in the training. For customers to deem a business as excellent, staff at every level need great communication skills. Organisational Managers and Leaders who attend customer service training are confirming to the staff just how important those skills are  - for everyone.

  • Want to build your own Team of Customer Service Superstars?
  • Want to know more about our unique 6 Step ACTION process that covers the 3 key areas businesses must address to increase customer satisfaction?
  • Contact us for your FREE Analysis Meeting and Customer Service ACTION report.
