Customer Service Staff working from home need this more than toilet paper.

Are any of your team working from home? Do you rely on them to continue to contact your customers?

If your customer service team are no longer within eye or ear shot, how do you keep them motivated to continue to provide excellent customer service?

Sure, you can have a daily ZOOM/ SKYPE/Google Hangout but once you end the call/meeting, that’s it. Your team are own their own, literally. They are no longer in eye or ear shot and you are no longer there with an ‘open door’ so they can share their wins, ask a quick question to help a customer or debrief after difficult customer interactions.

You are also no longer easily able to step in when a customer asks to ‘speak to the Manager’.

So how do you give your customer service team the same kind of support now they are working from home?

You need to get into The Zone - The Service Excellence Zone.


Now, more than ever your team need to know that they have support and The Service Excellence Zone is how you can keep staff engaged and continue to be customer service focused.

The Zone also gives you a break from having to think of what you need to do so a reputation of service excellence remains solid during shaky times.

If you would like more information - contact us today.

Ok, toilet paper may still be a high need so, why not help them with that too?

Consider sending your team a ‘working from home survival kit’ ie:

  • toilet paper

  • coffee/tea

  • chocolate/biscuits

  • pens/notepads

  • positive affirmation posters

  • mousepad/stress ball

  • coffee/tea cup

  • jelly beans/lolly pops

  • fruit or anything you can source that you know will make your customer service staff smile and feel valued. (Great way to support a local small business too)

Now is the time to act and it’s easy because we have done all the thinking for you - it’s in The Zone.

By Cate Schreck

Author of “The A-Z of Service Excellence” and Presenter of “On The Frontline” on TickerTV