Why Do Your Customers Behave Like That? Unveiling the Mystery of Behavioural Styles

Have you ever encountered a customer who seems to make decisions at lightning speed while another takes an eternity to choose between two similar products? Or perhaps you've met a chatty customer who loves to share their life story while another wants a quick and efficient transaction. These seemingly random behaviours can be incredibly frustrating for customer service professionals. But what if I told you there's a method to the madness? 

The secret lies in understanding behavioural styles. Every customer interaction is a unique dance, with each person bringing their own rhythm and steps. They each have their unique way of processing information, making decisions, and interacting with the world. This can sometimes lead to miscommunication and missed opportunities to connect. 


Hitting the Wall with Our Default Approach 

We all have a natural communication style that works well for us in most situations. But inevitably, we encounter customers who respond differently than expected. Their behaviour can leave us feeling puzzled, annoyed, or even powerless. 

Think about it: 

  • Do you find some customers easy to connect with, while others seem challenging? 

  • Have you ever been bewildered by a customer's expectations? 

  • Do you secretly wish all customers were as decisive (or indecisive) as your ideal client? 


The truth is, these seemingly erratic behaviours are simply different facets of human nature. People aren't trying to be difficult; they simply behave according to their natural style. 


The Lightbulb Moment: Understanding Behavioural Styles 

My own "lightbulb moment" came when I was introduced to the world of behavioural styles. These insights helped me understand not only my communication style but also the styles of those around me. Suddenly, the seemingly erratic behaviours of customers and colleagues began to make sense. 

Imagine the possibilities! By understanding behavioural styles, you can: 

  • Tailor your communication: Speak to each customer in a way that resonates with them. 

  • Build rapport more quickly: Find common ground and create a more positive interaction. 

  • Navigate challenging situations: De-escalate tension and find win-win solutions. 

  • Boost sales and customer satisfaction: Provide a more personalized and enjoyable experience. 


Unlocking the Power of Behavioural Styles in Your Customer Service Team 

Equipping your customer service team with the knowledge of behavioural styles is a game-changer. They'll be able to: 

  • Read customer cues: Identify behavioural styles based on verbal and non-verbal communication. 

  • Adapt their approach: Adjust their communication style to best suit each customer. 

  • Build trust and rapport: Develop stronger customer relationships, leading to increased loyalty. 

  • Resolve conflicts more effectively: Find solutions that address both customer needs and company policies. 


Ready to Transform Your Customer Interactions? 

Lightbulb Training Solutions offers behavioural profiling services designed to empower your customer service team. Our training sessions can help you unlock the power of behavioural styles and create a customer service experience that shines! 

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and learn how Lightbulb Training Solutions can help your team build stronger customer relationships and achieve outstanding results.