Why customer service staff hate customer service training.


Lightbulb Training Solutions are a team of workplace trainers with over 100 years of combined experience of walking into workplaces and delivering customer service training programs. We love what we do but it sure does come with some challenges and the first one happens when attendees arrive.

As soon as attendees enter the room, we assess their attitudes and we don’t have to talk to them to do that. We can tell how they feel by their body language and voice tone when they are speaking to each other.

Some attendees arrive with a smile, a friendly greeting and are ready to engage but….It’s very common for other attendees to show (or tell) us they are annoyed, angry, frustrated or don’t want to engage. Why?

There can be many reasons but here’s a few:

  • Experienced customer service staff have been providing customer service for years or even decades, what more could there be to learn?

  • Others believe their time is being wasted just so the business can ‘tick a box’ that says they provided training.

  • Some feel they are too busy so this event will only make their workload more difficult

  • Some hate group training - it reminds them of School and they hated School.

  • Some fear having to do role plays infront of their peers.

  • Many feel that customer service skills are ‘common sense’ so it’s condescending to be told how to act.

Customer service training is a waste of time and money if attendees don’t want to be there.

The reasons attendees don’t want to be there is clear (refer above) but those examples are symptoms, not the cause. The cause comes from the business not communicating the goal of the training, what the training will include and what attendees will get from attending.

Unfortunately it’s true, businesses do contact us to provide ‘tick a box’ customer service training so they can meet an industry or business standard. We know it’s ‘tick a box’ because when we ask for what skills they would like staff to refersh or develop and why, they don’t know. The response is “It just has to be done and done by …insert date here”.

Businesses also seek customer service training when one or more of the following takes place:

  • One employee is good at their job BUT…..co-workers and/or customers are complaining about their attitude/behaviour.

  • Staff members not getting along or morale is low.

  • Customer complaints are on the rise due to ‘silly’ mistakes.

  • Staff have become complacent about providing consistently excellent service

When training is arrange for the above reasons, it gives staff the impression that training is only provided when there is a ‘box to be ticked’ or they are performing poorly. The above ‘reasons’ are legitimate reasons for training to be considered but they’re not a reason for staff to turn up to the sessions positive and ready to engage with the trainer or other attendees.


Change the conversation. Think and talk about workplace training as CPD – Continuous Professional Development, an ongoing process that every employee at every level accomplishes at least annually.

Mix it up. Incorporate a range of learning options under the heading of CPD ie:

1. Volunteering in the community helps improve social awareness

2. Industry conferences/events provide the opportunity to learn from peers

Value the external and informal learning your staff undertake i.e. coaching a sports team, position on a committee, household management. Acknowledge it and ask them how those skills and experiences transfer into their roles providing customer service.

Create a library of relevant customer service books andrdigital resources for staff to access and share.

Be available. Provide confidential meeting options so employees are comfortable advising both work and non-work related issues that are making it difficult for them to achieve customer service standards.

Enquire. Ask your staff what skills they would like to develop – simple but effective.


Once you have completed our FREE, over the phone Customer Service Analysis, which will allow us to create a Service Excellence Package for your consideration. We can also provide you with referrals to our range of support partners i.e. Employee Assistance Program Providers, Customer Survey Services, Career Counsellors and HR Support Specialists.


“Having interviewed Cate on my radio program about her training that aims to empower customer service providers, I can say you will not get a more passionate and committed advocate for the benefits of a healthy approach to helping individuals enjoy workplace interactions. “ Dr Linda Wilson - Stress Management Specialist / Corporate Wellness Consultant