How to have Fifi Box as a regular customer

Yellow I

By Cate Schreck - Service Excellence Coach

Regardless of the industry you work in or whether you are located in Geelong, Ballarat, Bendigo or Melbourne, customer behaviours can be just like co-worker behaviours; Some people you get along with fine but others may be a little trickier to deal with and perhaps there are a few you wish you could avoid altogether. We humans can be a delightfully complicated lot.

What if making slight adjustments to how you communicate could improve your workplace interactions? You can. Let me explain using a well know Aussie as an example.

Fifi Box is a successful Australian Radio and TV personality. You may or may not like Fifi as an entertainer and maybe the opportunity to provide your products or services to her is low but for now, take a moment to think about how Fifi behaves.

Fifi displays an I Style behaviour. I is one of the 4DISC behavioural styles that humans use and like all 4 styles, people who have a natural I Style Behaviour have preferred was of communicating and behaving.

How to Identify an I Style Behaviour:

They are very open and friendly and enjoy having a chat. I Styles like to talk about people and feelings and aim to see the bright side of everything. As they can get excited easily and may jump from topic to topic, the other 3 Styles may perceive the I Style person as un-focused and not great long term listeners.

I Styles can be very animated and love nothing more than making other people happy. I Style's like to be positive and may find people who point out mistakes or focus too much on problems, as frustrating and this can drain their enthusiasm. I Styles want to have fun, help others and are not afraid of the limelight if it's bringing a sense of joy to others.

It's no surprise that many of Fifi's co-workers also display an I Style Behaviour. People who have a naturally strong identification with the I Style can be drawn to a career in the entertainment industry. I Styles are naturally extroverted and together they can motivate each other. Here's a few examples of other I Style Aussies...

  • Hamish Blake
  • Steve Irwin
  • Peter Helliar
  • Chrissie Swan

Customer Service Professionals know that to educate, motivate and sell to an I Style customer, the chance of success increases when they too use I Style behaviours.

If you're not a natural I Style communicator, consider adjusting your style when you are with an I Style customer and you may be surprised at how positive the experience can be - for them and you. It may feel a little uncomfortable at first and it may take some practice but before long, you will find it less difficult and more rewarding.

How to provide great service to an I Style Customer:

I Styles aim to please and like to be liked. Make time for chatting, engage with them like a friend and do not ignore them. Let him/her speak as they will have lots to tell you which may or may not be specific to why they are with you. Seek opportunities to give an I Style recognition for their thoughts and ideas but as they may have so many, you will need to follow them up.

Whenever possible, maintain a positive atmosphere, show your enthusiasm for their ideas and remember to have fun as this motivates an I Style. Seek opportunities to confirm the positive or "feel good" aspects of your products or services and be open to having to repeat information.

I Styles focus will be on the big picture so try limit the amount of details you provide them with or give them information in smaller chunks. Smile lots, be positive and enjoy the interaction.


  • Different styles to you does not = wrong.
  • Different styles to you = different.
  • All 4 of the DISC styles have their own advantages and disadvantages
  • It is possible to identify with the I Style behaviour, but not as strongly as other I Styles.
  • Customer Service Professionals don't judge their customers, they aim to delight them.

If you would like to know your natural style or learn the soft skills required to communicate with all 4 DISC Behavioural Styles, contact Lightbulb Training Solutions today.