If you think providing excellent customer service is easy - think again.

We all have customer interactions when our typical approach, that often works so well just does not achieve the results we are aiming for with every customer. How we behave makes perfect sense to us, but some customers do not respond how we thought they would and in some cases, seem to be annoyed or take offence at our approach.

Customers today demand businesses of all sizes to provide superior levels of customer service and when they don’t feel listened to, understood or respected, they don’t come back and they tell everyone know to stay away too.

Frontline staff must live by this customer service rule: “One size does NOT fit all”

As humans, we all have what is referred to us a natural or preferred behavioural style. When we know our natural behavioural style, we can then take the steps to adjust our style to more adequately suit the style of our customer , and that’s when the magic happens. Even slight adjustments in our communication can have customers more likely to trust us, spend more money with us and refer new business to us.

 Oh how wonderful... and the best news is, it’s not magic -  it’s DISC.

 The 4 DISC Behavioural Styles

DISC Behavioural Profiling isn’t new. It goes as far back as Hippocrates and it goes a long way to helping us make sense of human behaviours. When you have the knowledge of the 4 DISC Behavioural Styles you become a more effective communicator, educator and motivator but more importantly –  considered a top level service provider.

In reality, there are over 160 combinations that could make up your DISC Behavioural Style Profile, but you will find that 1 of the 4 styles is most natural for you and requires the least amount of energy.  

Below as an overview of the 4 DISC styles and I’ve added some tips on how to successfully communicate with each:    

D - Determined, Fast Paced and Task Focused. 

Likes challenges and taking control. Is direct, says what he/she thinks and can become annoyed by too many details.

How to communicate with a D Style Customer

Be direct and specific. Do not dominate. He/She decides fast so act quickly.

I - Inspiring, Fast Paced and People Focused .

Positive and good at influencing others. Like to talk and be sociable but may over promise because they are so eager to please.

How to communicate with a I Style Customer

Be a friend. Have fun and speak about people. Schedule time for chatting.  

S- Steady, Slower Paced and People Focused.  

Calm, helpful and modest. Aims to keep those around them stable and secure but can be taken advantage of due to their willingness to pitch in.

How to communicate with a S Style Customer

Present issues logically. Be sincere. Do not dominate. Focus on people.

C - Compliant, Slower Paced and Task Focused.  

Precise, logical and matter-of-fact. Seek data and information to make sure things get done correctly. The need for research and to produce high quality work can see them focus too much on details and lose sight of the bigger picture.

How to communicate with a C Style Customer

Provide facts. Be patient. Slow down. Do not pressure. Give plenty of detailed information. 

Without the knowledge of human behaviour and the skills to identify a customers preferred behavioural style, communicating in a way that delights customers is not easy.  But, with the right education and training, frontline staff can find the most difficult customers easy to delight and this leads to increased sales and decreased complaints.

Complete our FREE Customer Service Analysis so you can learn what it takes to build a team of Customer Service Professionals and you can step back and let your Frontline shine.

By CATE SCHRECK - Service Excellence Coach and Author of The A - Z of Service Excellence