Why customer service teams need massages


Working on the frontline of a business can be a joy when you have the right skills, the right knowledge and the right support.

Give your customer service staff those 3 things and you can sit back and watch them shine.

But did you know, each of those 3 things are headings and under those headings are details that require ‘massaging’ so that every employee understands them, values them and is motivated by them?

As a Business Manager or Leader of a customer service team, you need to know how to massage your team - not physical, massage - mental massage.

Mental massage is similar but you use your words instead of you hands to find out the pain points (areas they need help with) and create a treatment plan ((professional development) to ease that pain and help the team member become more flexible and able to provide their own treatment (self care) going forward.

Just like a physical massage, mental massage is about understanding the pain with the aim to create a 'treatment plan' and it all starts with 3 questions ie:

  1. Ask staff what they think is causing the pain - let them talk (even if you know the answer). Responses may be; difficult customer interactions, hard to implement processes, out of date procedures, conflict with co-workers, stress outside of work, lacking in tech skills etc.

  2. Ask what it would be like if the pain was gone - to motivate change through self identified positive outcomes.

  3. Ask what they think would alleviate the pain - let them share their ideas before you jump in. This allows you to gain powerful insights into their existing skills, thoughts and behaviours and it confirms you respect their ideas about what they need.

Create a 'treatment plan' together - professional development that matches the employees goals for now and their future. If the pain requires more than a ‘mental massage’, refer accordingly. As Manager’s we are often great all rounders but may not specialists - so reach out for help instead of making yourself the only help available. This is limiting for you and your team.

Mental massage - good for you and great for your frontline staff just remember, pain responds well to both gentle and firm pressure - but never harmful.

If you want more ways to help your team to vent and become customer service professionals who have what they need to succeed, click here for a free download - totally free - no strings attached and no emails required.

By Cate Schreck - Director of Lightbulb Training Solutions.